Busy week, no time for asana

I’ve come to accept that while balance is a goal, it is not always personally achievable. Just like the gymnest on a balance beam, once you loose focus of your conscious, lucid effort to maintain balance, you fall.

Yoga: Hands on Assists

One of the more unique aspects of a yoga class is the idea of hands on assists that are provided by the instructor and even an assistant.  If your new to yoga, this is when the yoga instructor comes around the room to help you physically experience the pose in a deeper level. The physical…

My First Paid Yoga Gig

About three weeks ago I had an audition at a gym that I thought I had completely and totally flopped. The gym was noisy and unfamiliar. At the audition, I was unusually quiet and not quite sure what I was doing. I felt feeling certain they wouldn’t hire me.  I followed up by email and,…

Review: Crushing on Yoga Crush 

I was recently surfing Facebook for yoga business related Facebook Groups and stumbled upon an amazing resource that I wanted to share with you.  It’s called: YogaCrush. Specifically I have tuned into the amazing hour long yoga business podcasts that are regularly published and incredibly addicting.  The host and owner, Suzanne Moscovitch, is intelligent, femanine…

7 Tips for New Yoga Teachers: My First Yoga Teaching Audition

Over the last few months I have been working on securing yoga instructor positions.  As of January 2017, I have been volunteer teaching at a womens-only gym in the city of Boston. The members are warm, friendly -it’s the perfect place to smooth out those awkward gitters that all new yoga teachers seem to have…

Recipe: Uplifting Turmeric Milk Tea

A few months ago I started researching Ayurvedic recipies and home remedies to help support my older sister who was pregnant with her first baby. Turmeric was an indregident that seems to come up over and over again. Though it adds a gorgeous golden color to anything it is added to, it doesn’t have a…

Book Review: Living Your Yoga

In her book, Living Your Yoga, Judith Hanson Lasater opens up to share some of of the lost intimate lessons and stories learned from her physical and philosophical yoga practice. She is a very famous and well respected yogi. It’s a fairly easy read that makes the traditional teachings of yoga (compassion, self-care, etc.) much easier to…

My Yoga Word: Freedom

I’m in a stage of my life where I feel myself becoming more and more mentally, physically, emotionally rigid. I want to break free of this because it’s not who I am.  Yoga helps me change my perspective on life and on myself by allowing me the opportunity to offer myself up to new opportunities….